Get Busy Earnin'


Collide is a tech company helping businesses to create cutting-edge online platforms. Collide focuses on providing interactive services that offer competitive advantages to business models.

Get Busy Earnin

Create cutting-edge interactive platforms for businesses and clients

Collideis for

Independent professionals and small business owners

We’re open to businesses of all kinds, from artists to entrepreneurs to experts and entertainers. Collide focuses on providing simple and economical way to do business online, reach new consumers, process payments, and their schedules.

User-friendly platforms drive discovery, connection and transactions between Professionals and consumers

ConnectGet Paid

With economically scalable web-based platforms, the interactions between Professionals and Consumers are efficient and reliable. In a matter of “clicks”, users have the ability to monetize talk, text, video chat; along with sharing materials, subscribing to content, scheduling appointments, and more.

Text chat bubbles

Text Message

message icon

Photo/Video Message

A ringing cell phone

Voice Calling

A video camera

1:1 Video Chat